COVID-19 Testing at TBS
Registering for Antigen Testing
Abbott BinaxNOW is a rapid antigen test which uses a lower nasal swab and gives results in about 15 minutes. Recent studies demonstrate that the tests have excellent sensitivity in detecting high viral load in both adults and children. The swift turnaround time for results and the reliability of the test make it a valuable tool to reduce risk of viral transmission in our community.
1. Schedule your test here: TBS Antigen Testing Appointment Calendar
2. Pay for your test: Rapid Antigen Test ($10). Tests are free for Children's Center and Mayim Tamid students and all TBS staff.
3. Get the app set up:
Antigen Testing FAQs
Why is TBS testing for COVID?Protocols such as face coverings, hand washing, and HVAC upgrades are in place to minimize risk of COVID-19 transmission at TBS. While these measures are essential to providing a safe environment, testing provides greater assurance for a safe environment.
Testing quickly detects infection, allowing for prompt tracing and isolating of COVID-19-positive individuals—whether or not they become symptomatic, significantly lowering the risk of transmission.
What kind of test is it? How does it work?We use a rapid antigen test strip from Abbott, which gives results directly on the strip, much like a home pregnancy test. The test is run onsite at TBS. If you are curious about the test and the reliability of antigen testing, read this fact-packed overview by Brown University economics professor Emily Oster.
How will I find out my results?Results will be delivered to you individually via Abbott’s NAVICA app.
How is the test administered? The process is quick and easy. The tip of a swab is inserted into the base of the base of the nostril and gently swirled, similar to cleaning the exterior part of the ear with a Q-tip.
1. Schedule your test here: TBS Antigen Testing Appointment Calendar
2. Pay for your test: Rapid Antigen Test ($10). Tests are free for Children's Center and Mayim Tamid students and all TBS staff.
3. Get the app set up:
- Install Abbott’s NAVICA app from Google Play or App Store.
- Create an account for yourself
Antigen Testing FAQs
Why is TBS testing for COVID?Protocols such as face coverings, hand washing, and HVAC upgrades are in place to minimize risk of COVID-19 transmission at TBS. While these measures are essential to providing a safe environment, testing provides greater assurance for a safe environment.
Testing quickly detects infection, allowing for prompt tracing and isolating of COVID-19-positive individuals—whether or not they become symptomatic, significantly lowering the risk of transmission.
What kind of test is it? How does it work?We use a rapid antigen test strip from Abbott, which gives results directly on the strip, much like a home pregnancy test. The test is run onsite at TBS. If you are curious about the test and the reliability of antigen testing, read this fact-packed overview by Brown University economics professor Emily Oster.
How will I find out my results?Results will be delivered to you individually via Abbott’s NAVICA app.
How is the test administered? The process is quick and easy. The tip of a swab is inserted into the base of the base of the nostril and gently swirled, similar to cleaning the exterior part of the ear with a Q-tip.